
Tech Stack


I decided to give web development another try, choosing React and TypeScript to build this website.


I learned and used Java during my time at school.


I decided to learn C# because Free Pascal was just too frustrating and full of bugs. Since then, it's become my top pick and the language I use the most.


I got an Arduino Uno and made my first coded hardware projects using C++.


I delved into web development, getting to grips with structured document formats like HTML and CSS, as well as the scripting languages JavaScript and PHP. Then, after tackling a few smaller projects, I realized my penchant lies more with desktop application development using a higher-level programming language.


Free Pascal
I began my coding journey with Free Pascal. It was a decent starting point due to its simpler syntax compared to C# or Java, but it didn't hold up well as a long-term programming language.
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